Saturday, December 18, 2010


I think the idea podcasts are great.  They are a great if you are studying as you can listen to your lecture at home on your iPod. If you have missed a lecture or want to listen to an interesting discussion you may have missed you can always download it by subscribing.

Podcasting is something that I think could work well in public libraries. They could promote things e.g. children’s activities such as storytime  and what’s happening in the library. The Cockburn Libraries have just put together their first podcast – a talk on how to begin researching your family history by Mike Murray.  

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Online Video

I decided to put a John Lennon video on my blog as this week marks 30 years since he was shot in New York and I really love this song. It is also getting closer to Christmas and I thought the song would get everyone in the Christmas spirit.
I found YouTube very easy to access.  My husband is always on it listening to different songs and artists. There are so many things to view on YouTube.
Libraries can use online videos for marketing and information.  It is a fun way to promote services and activities in the library.  You could always record a “story time” session for people that can’t make it in to the library.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Social Networking

I use Faceboook socially, it is a great way of keeping in touch with friends, especially ones who live in a different state or that I don’t see on a regular basis. Even though I have Facebook I keep it very private, I check what other people are up to and I don’t put regular status updates on mine.  I only add people that I know personally.  Some people put really silly things on their status, which does not really interest me.  I don’t want to know what people did on their day off, that’s their business.

 After viewing What the F***is Social Media NOW I was surprised at how much time people spend on Facebook.  I do think that Facebook in the library is a good way of informing patrons of up-coming events and activities.

Well I am officially one of the millions of people who twitter.  My Tweets were probably the most boring ones about as I really didn’t have anything interesting to say.  Until web2.0 I had no idea how to “twitter”, I thought it was something all the celebrities did in their spare time. 

I can see how it can be useful in libraries, keeping patrons up-to-date on what’s happening in the library.  I don’t think it is something that I will continue doing.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Delicious and LibraryThing

I wonder  where they got the name from? I found the Delicious site quite hard. I only tagged a few websites. Delicious is a great way to keep all your bookmarks together, but I don't think that I will use it personally, but I can see how it can be handy in a library as you can have all of your most used websites in one place instead of saving them to favourites.

I really like LibraryThing. I can keep track of what I am reading and what I have read.  LibraryThing is a good social network system.  It is a great way of keeping up-to-date with the latest books. It took me a while to figure out where to get the "widget thing" from and where to put it, but  I finally found it.  LibraryThing is really fast at finding your books and make it easy to search for titles and add them to your list of books. I think LibraryThing is great for library patrons to see what books other people are reading.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Wikis are new to me. I find the concept of people being able to add information interesting and clever but how trustworthy is it? 
Is there a use for Wikis in libraries?  Maybe they could be useful for:
  • Internal Training
  • Updating Procedure Manuals
  • Meetings
  • Staff Training
  • Upcoming events

I know Wikipedia is well known, but how current or accurate is the information?
(P.S Thanks to Lawley for his patience in helping me understand Wikis!!!)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds are a bit confusing at first.  Once I understood them I found them quite interesting.  RSS Feeds helps libraries to keep up to date with the latest news and with other libraries.  They save time searching for up to date information. Libraries can use RSS Feeds to update staff and patrons on upcoming events, book clubs, book titles and many more things. 

RSS Feeds allow me easy access to information that interests me. 
[Update 10 November] Here are the feeds I subscribed to:


Libraries Interact

Perth Now

Western Australian Public Libraries Training Web 2.0

Monday, October 18, 2010

Storytime @ Spearwood

Story time is held every at Spearwood Public Library everyTuesday and Friday from 10.30 - 11.30 (excluding school holidays).  

Story time consists of a stories, rhymes and an activity. It is a great way  introduce children to the world of books and reading with fun, interactive experiences in a safe environment.  It is aimed at 3 - 5 year olds.

There is a new theme every week and this weeks theme is "Lions and Tigers".

Sumatran Tiger ; bathing by tropicaLivingLion eyes...... by law_keven

Flikr has some wonderful images.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Read, read, read.....

What do you think about Lifelong Learning?

Lifelong learning starts with reading.... 


Lifelong learning is a great  way to help anyone who struggles using computers and the internet.  It teaches you to keep your mind active.  You are never to old to learn new things.  I love learning new things. 

I am always reading and encourage parents to start reading with children from a very young age.