Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Wikis are new to me. I find the concept of people being able to add information interesting and clever but how trustworthy is it? 
Is there a use for Wikis in libraries?  Maybe they could be useful for:
  • Internal Training
  • Updating Procedure Manuals
  • Meetings
  • Staff Training
  • Upcoming events

I know Wikipedia is well known, but how current or accurate is the information?
(P.S Thanks to Lawley for his patience in helping me understand Wikis!!!)


  1. Congrats Mary! You've made it all the way through to wiki’s:)

  2. Haven't got up to Wiki's yet (hopefully next week) but with any luck Lawley will be on hand to help out!

  3. I wonder about the trustworthness too, but for internal use I think it could be useful.

  4. That's the big debate with wikipedia. How trustworthy is the information? Schools/universities make a point of turning students away from using wikipedia as a resource. What a waste. Wikipedia is one of the most amazing repositories of information ever. Sure, you don't want to use it exclusively, but in some cases it will lead you to everything you need to know on a topic. References to books included. Always start with wikipedia!

  5. Like any information I think it's really important to check the references for the information.

    Wikipedia isn't the only place where you find misinformation (either voluntary or accidental) I have read plenty of books that have errors, which then are not corrected until the next edition! Wikipedia's errors can at least be amended immediately.
